Tag Archives: Mr. Rogers

Be the Light

Do you know anyone who loves changing the clocks so that it’s dark at 4:30 in the afternoon? Add to that the piercing cold and it’s no wonder depression is rampant this time of year. We are like plants needing water and sunlight to survive and we don’t grow or function well without them.

Think of the two major religious holidays that usually occur within a few weeks of the shortest day of the year – Christmas and Hanukkah. Aside from the presents and delicious food, they both bring light to us in the darkest of times, figuratively and literally. The beautiful lights of the Christmas trees are always celebrated and admired, while in Jewish homes, the menorahs are lit for eight nights to celebrate the miracle of the oil. We need and seek the light in our lives.

And currently, in our world, we feel a darkness, a hopelessness, overtaking so many of us. The world seems to be spinning out of control on so many fronts. Politically, environmentally, economically, health-wise, and personally. Many say they cannot remember having such dark times in their lifetime. It’s very frightening for so many of us.

We notice that many people are shutting down, becoming more withdrawn, ruder, angrier, less willing to reach out and accept people who are different than us. That affects the rest of us in negative ways, no matter how hard we try not to let that negativity suck us in.

Where is Mr. Rogers when we need him?

I’m not even saying that facetiously, I mean it. He was the epitome of kindness, the opposite of these negative traits. He taught many of us as we grew up about the virtues of the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. This maxim is featured prominently in almost every religion in one form or another. It is said in different ways, different languages, but it all comes down to treat others the way you want to be treated. It sounds so simple, but it seems to be so difficult for so many these days. The anger seems to be winning out over the kindness and empathy we need to survive as a society.

Why are we allowing the anger and incivility to win? That’s an awful way to live. We may not have a choice or power over other people’s actions, but how we react is up to us. We are in desperate need of kindness and love these days. Let’s remind ourselves about the Golden Rule and smile when we think of Mr. Rogers. And if we find ourselves drowning in the darkness, let’s reach out and be the light not only for ourselves but a lifeline for others who are drowning as well. We are all in desperate need of the light these days.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved