Category Archives: commentary

Help, I’m Shrinking!

Anyone notice that these days we’re paying more and getting less? What the heck? While this happened sneakily before the pandemic, it’s been out of control since the supply chain disruptions that occurred when the pandemic began. The big corporations decided to use that excuse to not only raise prices, but keep them high once everything settled down. And to add insult to injury, they continue to reduce the amount of product in whatever container they’re in and charge us more for less! This is what President Biden was talking about in his State of the Union speech, calling out Big Business about shrinkflation. It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you’re on politically, this is basically highway robbery by these greedy corporations where too much is never enough. And we’re all paying the price.

The 20-pound bag of dog food that my pups love used to cost approximately $20. There is no longer a 20-pound bag, the closest size is 16.5 pounds. And even then, guess what? While it’s 3 1/2 fewer pounds, it now costs approximately $30! Imagine the profits – I’m sure the CEOs are rubbing their hands together in glee.

A 64-ounce bottle of the vegetable juice I have bought for years used to cost around $3.50. While the size has remained the same, for the past few years the price has risen to approximately $4.50 with no sign of going back down.

Take a look at some of your favorite foods. The sneaky way they get you if they haven’t raised the price is shrinking the size of the box, bag, or can that your food comes in. It may look the same, but there’s a sneaky trick that keeps you from noticing unless you check the total amount in the package and compare it to what it used to be. Check your chips, cereal, cookies, and crackers. You might have noticed the food disappears more quickly and think you must be eating more. But very possibly, it’s that there is actually less food in that container.

My rant right now is based on a can of string beans. While this isn’t exactly shrinkflation unless it was done purposely, and I have no idea if it was, it’s still an example of what can happen if we don’t pay attention to disappearing products. My vet suggested that since my dog Jax is not as fit and trim as he was a year ago and needs to return to his boyish figure, that I cut down on his actual dog food and add some veggies to the mix. My pups have already been getting pumpkin mixed in with their food, so I decided to also add string beans to their meals. Jax and Lacey have been thrilled with the new addition and gobble down their food with gusto. Not that they didn’t have gusto before, but I can see their enthusiasm for their meals has ramped up even more. I recently bought several cans of string beans, went to open a new can and drain the liquid out. I pressed the top down onto what I thought would be the veggies, but as I pushed lower into the can, all I was feeling was liquid. I looked into the can and saw that the string beans were barely reaching the halfway mark in the can and it was pure liquid above the measly few string beans near the bottom.  I opened another can to make sure this was an aberration, and was relieved to find that the other can had a bountiful supply of string beans almost to the top. Imagine if I had only bought one can. Or someone else had bought that can and thought that’s all they were going to get. I will be contacting the manufacturer and the store where I bought them for a refund. But I began to wonder, how often does this happen? And are there people who will think this is just another sign of shrinkflation?

I think it’s time we speak up about this. Corporate greed is running rampant and I think it’s time the manufacturers know that we’re fed up with paying more and getting less. Let them know that we’ve had enough and we’re not going to take it anymore. And say it with gusto!

string beans

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

Be the Light

Do you know anyone who loves changing the clocks so that it’s dark at 4:30 in the afternoon? Add to that the piercing cold and it’s no wonder depression is rampant this time of year. We are like plants needing water and sunlight to survive and we don’t grow or function well without them.

Think of the two major religious holidays that usually occur within a few weeks of the shortest day of the year – Christmas and Hanukkah. Aside from the presents and delicious food, they both bring light to us in the darkest of times, figuratively and literally. The beautiful lights of the Christmas trees are always celebrated and admired, while in Jewish homes, the menorahs are lit for eight nights to celebrate the miracle of the oil. We need and seek the light in our lives.

And currently, in our world, we feel a darkness, a hopelessness, overtaking so many of us. The world seems to be spinning out of control on so many fronts. Politically, environmentally, economically, health-wise, and personally. Many say they cannot remember having such dark times in their lifetime. It’s very frightening for so many of us.

We notice that many people are shutting down, becoming more withdrawn, ruder, angrier, less willing to reach out and accept people who are different than us. That affects the rest of us in negative ways, no matter how hard we try not to let that negativity suck us in.

Where is Mr. Rogers when we need him?

I’m not even saying that facetiously, I mean it. He was the epitome of kindness, the opposite of these negative traits. He taught many of us as we grew up about the virtues of the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. This maxim is featured prominently in almost every religion in one form or another. It is said in different ways, different languages, but it all comes down to treat others the way you want to be treated. It sounds so simple, but it seems to be so difficult for so many these days. The anger seems to be winning out over the kindness and empathy we need to survive as a society.

Why are we allowing the anger and incivility to win? That’s an awful way to live. We may not have a choice or power over other people’s actions, but how we react is up to us. We are in desperate need of kindness and love these days. Let’s remind ourselves about the Golden Rule and smile when we think of Mr. Rogers. And if we find ourselves drowning in the darkness, let’s reach out and be the light not only for ourselves but a lifeline for others who are drowning as well. We are all in desperate need of the light these days.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

Say It Now

My personal essay, “Say It Now” was recently published in the new issue of Down in the Dirt magazine. It’s been a long road to publication, written almost a year ago, accepted for publication months ago, and now it has finally entered the world! It was initially inspired by the meme about how we shouldn’t wait until people’s funerals to say all the wonderful things we feel about them and how much they mean to us. We should let them know how important they are to us while they’re alive. I feel that it’s such an important subject to think about and discuss that I’m posting the full essay below, and also providing a link to Down in the Dirt magazine if you’d like to see more.

Say It Now

by Nancy Machlis Rechtman

A few months ago, several of my friends decided that I should apply for an open position in the arts in our city. They believed I had all the qualifications and prior experience that made me a perfect fit for this position. I was very touched that they had such faith in me, but I was sure others were way more qualified. But in an example of positive peer pressure, so many people piled onto the necessity of convincing me that I at least take a chance and apply, I finally agreed.

The application process was lengthy and detailed. Among the many requirements were two letters of recommendation from people who could vouch for my qualifications for this position and extol my virtues. It’s not often that you get to see an honest reflection of yourself in someone else’s eyes, but these two recommendations touched me to the core. There was nothing false or overly flowery in their writing, but referenced what these friends felt were my strengths, my contributions to the community, and their strong belief that I would be the perfect person for this position.

How often do we really see the good that others see in us? We usually get compliments when we do something outstanding, or on days when we look particularly good, or if we’ve won an award of some kind. But in the daily struggle to get through a sea of self-doubt, wondering if we’ve done the right thing, agonizing over choices we have or haven’t made, what’s the ratio of self-flagellation to a boost in our self-esteem? We tend to focus on the bad messages we internalize about ourselves. Are we smart enough, kind enough, productive enough? And the biggest one that triggers self-doubt for so many of us: Are we beautiful enough? Why would anyone choose to love us if we have no worth? Or at least not enough worth when compared to the person standing right next to us? What have we done in this world to be proud of? To be looked up to? To say we’ve made a difference?

There’s a meme I’ve seen online recently saying something like the things that we say about someone at their funeral should also be what we tell them on their birthday. That we should not just wish people a happy birthday and say we love them, but we should tell them why we love them. What value they have brought to our lives and how much poorer our lives would be without them.

My parents died within a year and a half of each other. When my mom died, one of the most difficult things I had ever done was composing her eulogy through a veil of tears. It was one of several that were given at her funeral. I focused not only all the good deeds she had done over the years, but what she had taught me as I grew up about kindness and living by your values. About not being afraid to speak out when witnessing someone being wronged. To donate to charity and be a giving person in every aspect of your life. And so much more. And later I thought about how much I hoped she could hear our words, because although I always told her I loved her, I wasn’t sure I had ever expressed my gratitude at her teaching me by example what makes a good person, a woman of valor, which she definitely was.

When my dad died the following year, I also wrote about the lessons he had taught me on honesty and loyalty and standing up for people. In that department, I had been doubly blessed by two parents who had taught such important life lessons. Again, several of us read eulogies that day. But my eulogy was shorter than the one for my mom, because I had asked his friends and relatives to write down their favorite or most impactful memory of my dad so I could read it at the funeral along with my own words. And the stories I received were heart-warming and sometimes surprising to read, since much of what I read was new to me. And showed me things about my dad I had never known. And many of the memories made us all smile and even laugh that day. Truly a celebration of my father’s life. And again, how wonderful it would have been if my dad could have heard the way so many people thought of him and remembered him, and what an impact he had made on their lives. Although I like to believe he did hear it all and that it made him smile.

But why don’t we let people know how much they mean to us while we still can? What holds us back? Are we afraid we’ll make them uncomfortable? Or that we’ll be too vulnerable? Both options are kind of nuts, don’t you think? If someone is an important person in our life, shouldn’t we tell them why? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to hear that all the little things we do for each other are remembered and matter? And that they have sometimes been life-changing – or even lifesaving?

When COVID hijacked our lives back in 2020, I was on my own, as so many of us were. And I missed my friends and family desperately. Cell phones and the internet provided even more of a lifeline than ever. And I realized that I wanted to let each person know how important they were to me. Because they were, and it suddenly felt urgent for me to tell them. So I told them. And I sent presents with cards for no reason other than that was another way to express my gratitude for their love and for always being there through the good times and the bad. The cards expressed my sometimes-unspoken thoughts about our friendship and my appreciation for all they had done and often put up with when it came to all we had gone through over the years. And my love for the amazing people they were. And it mattered. Sometimes doing things “just because” can mean more than doing it because it’s a special occasion and we feel that’s what we should do.

Life is so short. We say it, but do we really understand that our time on this Earth is barely the blink of the eye? That we are but specks in the Universe? Why not make our time here more meaningful, form deeper connections, stop being so afraid of opening up? We need to realize we don’t need to wait to let people know they are of value, that they have made a difference. Because really, what are we actually waiting for?

And by the way, although I didn’t get the arts position – someone much more qualified and deserving than I was chosen – I did get the gift of hearing things from my two friends that I never would have known if not for the chance to actually read their words about me. And more gifts from the encouragement of so many other friends who convinced me I was deserving, even if I wasn’t chosen. And it helped me realize that while I may often question if I’ve made a difference, if my life has value, it meant everything to me to hear that there are people who believe I have made a difference and yes, my life does have value.

Our world has become more divisive and isolating than ever in recent years. Empathy and compassion are harder and harder to find. So many of us feel so alone without strong connections. I believe it would make such a difference in people’s lives to know their life has meaning and value and has impacted others in a positive way. And it especially helps to hear those words from other people, because self-validation is oh so difficult, and we seem to accept what we hear from others much more readily than what we should already know about ourselves.

Don’t wait for their funeral to say those loving words. Say them now. Wouldn’t that be the greatest gift we could ever give another person?

Here is the link:

Click on “See the Current Issue” then the Table of Contents should show up and the link to my essay is about 2/3 of the way down that page.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

Mother’s Day

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Mother’s Day can be a wonderful day, or a day fraught with sadness and grief. There are also so many ways one can be a mother or take on the mother role – it doesn’t have to only mean via biology. And for those who have suffered devastating losses, you most likely don’t even want to hear all the cheery greetings that seem never ending and relentless when it feels like the rest of the world is celebrating. Self-care is so important when you need to grieve any kind of loss – you don’t have to feel like something must be wrong with you if you don’t want to celebrate. And if you do have reason to celebrate someone who is still in your life and has in some way taken on the mothering role, please, by all means, let them know what they mean to you. We all need to know we are loved and appreciated.

Two years ago, I wrote a poem called “The Letter.” It was published in May of 2021 by a literary magazine called Page & Spine which seems to be defunct and also doesn’t seem to have an online archive. For the past two years I have shared it on my Author Page on Facebook (Nancy Machlis Rechtman, Author). This year, I’d like to share it here as well. I hope you like it.

Wishing you all peace and love and finding some reason to smile.


The Letter

by Nancy Machlis Rechtman


I recognize the handwriting

On the crumpled, yellowed note immediately

Most likely written

With a blue Bic pen,

And my breathing stops.


It was stuffed in the back

Of the drawer that I was cleaning out

And that’s why I had forgotten

The words on the decades-old page.

But it might have helped

If I had found it seven years ago

Although just the fact that I’ve got it now

Means maybe this is when it was meant to be found

Because I have yet to figure out

How you celebrate Mother’s Day

Without your mother

Except maybe to read the words

On a letter that crosses time and space and a lifetime

About the little daily acts

That at the time seem like nothing

But now they are everything.


The tears are an unbidden deluge

Pounding through the rain gutters

Leaning against the house

Threatening to overflow into the yard next door.


I trace the curve of each letter with my index finger

Willing a connection to come through

As if maybe I can absorb the energy and essence

That was there when the letter was written

In the blue ink on the page.

And when I get to the end

When a mom assures her vulnerable daughter that she’s proud of her

And that she loves her always

The letter drops to the floor

As do I

And my heart is full

And my heart is empty

And I still don’t know what I’m supposed to do with this jagged hole that’s overtaken my life.


And then I hear the blare of the TV in the other room

Cheerfully reminding me to buy a card for my mother

To wish her a very happy Mother’s Day

And I know it’s a message

From my mom with her quirky sense of humor to make me smile

So I whisper something only she can hear

And I hope I made her smile, too.



Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved



Stick ‘Em Up

So as most of you know by now, it seems that every time I travel, I come back with stories. And I just returned from an amazing trip up North which couldn’t have been more wonderful. My children’s play, “Threads – The Musical!” was produced for five performances in Pennsylvania and I had the privilege of attending one of the performances. I had the time of my life.

However, this post is not about my wonderful experience. This post is about highway robbery, figurative and literal.

Part One of this tale occurred when I was in the Charlotte airport with a three-hour layover on my way up north. I had an early flight and hadn’t eaten anything nor had I had anything to drink since I had left my house several hours earlier. I did have snacks with me, but I really wanted some water and a piece of fruit, preferably a banana. Since I had so much time between flights, I thought I’d stroll around the airport in search of sustenance. It seems counter to the natural order to be strolling through the airport when most people are frantically shoving their way past the hordes of other frantic travelers in hopes of not missing their plane since usually the gate where you land and the gate where you have to connect to for your next flight are miles apart and you only have 20 minutes to get there before they slam the door to the plane shut just as you approach.

So anyway, I strolled through the airport in search of an affordable bottle of water and a banana. The thing to remember in an airport is, there’s no competition. If a bottle of water is $3.95 in one place, that same bottle of water will be $3.95 everyplace so you might as well buy it in the first place you stop at. Now, finding a banana was a whole other story. Because it seemed impossible to find one in the little convenience stores that pop up every six feet throughout the airport. I didn’t want to sit in one of the “restaurants” there. I just wanted a simple piece of fruit. Finally, I found a place where you could buy bowls with yogurt and fruit. And in their display case must have been 80 bananas just sitting there, waiting for someone to ask for just one. And so I did. I waited on line and asked the cashier if she would sell me one banana.  I don’t eat dairy and I didn’t want a big bowl of fruit anyway, I just wanted a single piece of fruit that I might be convinced to pay a dollar for since I was at the airport after all. After waiting for several minutes, I approached the cashier who looked at me in confusion and told me they didn’t sell bananas. I stared at the 80 bananas in the display case and asked if she could just sell me one since I was very hungry, getting hungrier by the minute, and this shouldn’t have been so hard. She pointed across the way where there was a little alcove where you could choose your food and then put it on a scanner and pay for it, all without the benefit of having contact with another germy human being. She told me they sold bananas there. So I walked over to the shelves and guess what – there weren’t any bananas! There were drinks and sandwiches, but no bananas. So I walked back to the yogurt bowl place and told her there were no bananas and once again, asked if she would just let me have one of her 80 bananas and I’d give her a dollar for it. She shook her head but then handed me a banana. She said I could put it on the scanner across the way and pay for it there. I knew it was pointless to argue, so I thanked her and walked towards the scanners, noting that there were several people shaking their heads and waving their fists in the air, directing their wrath at the scanners.

“These aren’t working?” I asked as I approached.

The fellow travelers were so frustrated they sputtered, and no intelligible words actually came out of their mouths. They eventually stalked off with empty hands.

Just for the heck of it, I tried. I laid the banana on the scanner. Soon, the price appeared. But this couldn’t possibly be! $3.79 for ONE banana! Maybe it had mis-scanned. But no, the banana image had the word “Banana” right above it. Well, I have my principles even when I’m faint from hunger, so I trudged back to the cashier across the way, wordlessly handed her the banana, and left. Highway robbery right there in the light of day!

Part Two occurred when I left PA and headed to NY via bus where we were let off at the Port Authority and I walked the nine blocks to Penn Station, dragging my suitcase and dodging all the people who don’t look up from their phones as they navigate the sidewalks, and I was proud of myself for not knocking anyone over and not getting knocked over at the same time. Fancy footwork was involved. Because it was a Sunday, the Long Island Railroad trains were departing every hour. There is also a lot of interminable construction going on meaning everything I ever knew about Penn Station is no longer true or where it should be, but there are signs and they are accurate and I made it to the track that listed my destination. And when I got there, I saw that my train had left five minutes earlier and I now had nearly an hour to wait. There is no longer anywhere to sit or even browse near the tracks. I had had such an amazing night the night before and had been so wound up, I could barely sleep. So once again, I went in search of food and drink, taking the escalator upstairs. I walked in and out of the little eateries, once again frustrated with the prices. This time, I had eaten a little bit before I left PA, but even so, I was curious to see what was available and what it cost. Between being tired and shell-shocked at the prices, I wasn’t paying attention to things as much as I should have. So, as I walked out of what was probably the fourth place I had stopped, a young man approached me, standing way too close for comfort, and asked me for change.

I normally don’t carry change these days, and I was lugging around two personal items, plus dragging my suitcase, and I told him wearily that I was sorry, but I wasn’t carrying any change. And then, before I knew it, he jumped closer to me and said, “Stick ’em up!” He stuck his arms forward towards my stomach and I stared at him. A million thoughts raced through my mind at that moment, but the funny thing is, I wasn’t scared. My heart didn’t pound, my adrenaline didn’t pump through my veins, no fight or flight reaction. Instead, I looked down at his hands – which were balled up into fists with his pointer finger sticking out, but there was no gun, no knife, just empty hands. And he didn’t look scary. In fact, he now had a strange smile on his face. And the inanity of hearing someone say “Stick ’em up” like we were in an old heist movie almost made me laugh. I mean, who says that? I felt as if none of this was real, like he was playing a part and I was supposed to play along. So I just shook my head and told him I had to go. As I walked away, I heard him shout, “But what about last summer? You promised!” And then I had to wonder if he really was playing a part. Or maybe he was just crazy, or on drugs, or a student doing a sociology experiment, or all of the above. So as I continued to walk, I called back, “Sorry, but that never happened!” And I continued on my way, taking the escalator back downstairs to wait for my train with no further incident.

So I can’t really explain why my heart didn’t race, why there was no adrenaline, why I didn’t perceive him as a threat even before I saw he didn’t have a gun pointed at me. It just seemed so cinematic – an absurd scenario being played strictly for reaction. Of course, my gut reaction could have been wrong, but fortunately, it wasn’t. But for whatever the reason, I was more outraged by the figurative holdup I experienced at the airport by the corporate greed and indifference I encountered just trying to pay for a piece of fruit, than I was about this guy jumping out at me and claiming it was literally a holdup. Which of course, fortunately, it wasn’t. But I’ve told way more people the banana story than the story of the guy and the fake holdup. That was largely because I wanted this trip to be remembered for the wonderful and special things that happened, not anything even remotely distressing. Or nuts.

And in the end, both stories are bananas, that’s for sure!





Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

Ups and Downs

First, I’d like to wish everyone a happy, healthy 2023. May it harken the arrival of all good things into all of our lives and sweep away the detritus of 2022 and whatever damaged our lives in the years before it. I’m not going to get into the really heavy things today since I do despair on a daily basis about the political situation in our country, the horrors going on in the world, climate change, and anything else that can possibly cause me to stay in bed all day with the covers over my head. But since it’s the first day of the new year, I’m going to focus instead on the more minor annoyances that fill our lives with gritted teeth and fists shaken at the sky.

I know we’ve all been complaining about the lack of civility in our society. And while I don’t think it was ever as civil as we claim it was in the good old days, it does seem to have gotten worse. Of course, the internet has been pivotal in allowing people who don’t even know each other to hide behind the screen of anonymity or fake identities to curse each other out, bully each other, insult each other, spew false information, and more, all in the name of free speech. The thing is, this kind of behavior is flowing over into the real world as well and this is the world our children are growing up in. This is what they’re seeing is acceptable behavior and don’t think they’re not absorbing it. Or there’s just not a sense of caring how their behavior might be affecting others. The world has become centered around each one of us in a bubble of self-absorption.

One small example is a trip that I just took with a friend to explore a new city for a few days. We rented a lovely condo through VRBO in the heart of the city. It all seemed perfect. Until it sounded like a herd of elephants above us. Clomp, clomp, clomp. Slam. Bang. Clunk. On repeat for hours. I promise you, I’m not exaggerating. This went on until about midnight. And then started up again around 7 AM. Since we spent the next day exploring the city, we don’t know if this went on all day as well, but all would be quiet for a few hours and then start up again around dinnertime and continue until late at night. Since people are crazy these days, we decided against bashing a broomstick into the ceiling or knocking on their door, so we just made do. I don’t function too well on a 7 AM wake-up time, especially on vacation, so it was pretty frustrating. On the morning of the third day, not only was there the usual clomping and clunking, but a new sound of things being dragged across the floor. Suitcases? Didn’t sound like dead bodies at least. Were they leaving? Oh please, let them be leaving. Soon all was quiet, and we hoped against hope they had left. A few hours later came the sound of a vacuum. Yes! They were gone. And then several hours later we heard the sound of several people seemingly racing back and forth across the floor. Without end. But the tread wasn’t as heavy, so these were presumably children running with boots on for hours across the room with no one even thinking to say at the very least, maybe you should take your clunky boots off if you’re going to run for hours on a bare floor on top of someone’s head in the condo below? They, too, were early risers so 7:00 AM was now the official wake-up time. Fortunately for us, we were heading home later that morning so, as much as I loved this trip, I have never been more thrilled to return to my quiet house. Now, I’ve lived in apartments over the years and have never been thrilled with bare floors and thin walls. And people were never especially considerate of their neighbors. But it just seemed that right in the middle of the holiday season with everyone spouting Peace On Earth, and Good Will to All, it might have made a dent in someone’s consciousness.

And on a totally different thread on annoyance, I have a question about what is happening to the things we buy in the grocery store. First, just the price of goods like the juice I buy for me or the dog food I buy for my pups. Yes, we had shortages for various reasons for a while, but things are supposedly more normal at this point. Why have the prices remained $1 more for my juice and approximately $7 more for the large bag of dog food I buy on a regular basis? And then, have you noticed how everything is shrinking? So a roll toilet paper is very obviously narrower than it used to be, there are about 6 pounds less in the bag of dog food that I’m paying $7 more for, and then some containers of food that hasn’t gone up in price look the same until you look at the weight and realize you’re getting less than before. And to add insult to injury, a few weeks ago I realized that the paper bags at the grocery store were about three inches shorter than they had been since basically forever. What’s the point of that? They have to use more bags now to load the groceries since so much less can fit in them!

I could go on and on, but I think we are all aware of the aggravating things that are spiking our blood pressure these days, along with the really scary stuff. So to end on a happy note, there is good in the world and there are many people focusing on kindness and doing good for each other. Let’s try to be those people this year and see if we can do our part to make it a better world for us all. Here’s to 2023 – let us all be the ones who work on making someone’s life easier, bring smiles to people’s faces, and set the example for how people should treat each other.

Here’s to 2023 being the year of kindness for us all.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

We Are All Broken

We Are All Broken

Over the years, I have been adopting older, sometimes sicker dogs, and sadly, three of them passed in less than a year. It’s been devastating in so many ways. But I know I can’t close off my heart, especially with so many dogs in need, and I’ve learned it’s not that one dog replaces another, but that one more dog can find a loving home when there is room in the heart. And I believe that my dogs who have passed lead me to the pups who come after them.

So I adopted Jax back in January soon after Maddie passed, and Lacey a few weeks ago soon after Heidi passed. Jax is approximately eight years old, and Lacey is almost seven. They are getting along well and I love them dearly. But one thing I know is that when you adopt an older dog, they come with baggage. Just like people. And I’ve learned over the past few months that Jax freaks out over certain things. Like if I say I’m going to pick him up, he goes nuts, like a bucking bronco. It’s as if he needs to make sure he has an escape route. And I wonder what happened to him in his previous life that makes him so stressed by that simple phrase. But in the first few weeks after he came to me, I saw him flinch when I went to pet him on the head. He was fine if I scratched him under the chin, but I saw the flinch if my hand moved towards the top of his head. And it made me wonder again, what happened to him. He doesn’t flinch anymore when I pat him on the head, so I know he has learned to trust me. To a point. But he still yanks away from me when I ask him if I can pick him up, usually when I’m trying to help him onto a couch or bed.

Lacey seems to be a very happy-go-lucky girl, full of energy and very playful. I have discovered she is terrified of thunder, and even rain without thunder since it seems she anticipates the possibility that thunder might come. She shakes so hard that she could be a Vitamix, and there is no comforting her. I’m thinking I need to buy her a thunder shirt to see if that will help. She cringes when I just tell her “No.” Again, I have no idea what her history is, but from her condition upon adoption, it might not have been all that happy. The first few weeks, when it would be time to go to sleep, she would dive under my bed and not come out until morning. And then, suddenly last night, she jumped onto my bed and spent the whole night up there with me. I was so glad she felt safe enough to do that. Jax, due to some arthritis issues, cannot jump onto my bed and he won’t let me pick him up, so I need to buy some kind of stairs or ramp for him and hope he’ll use them, because I can see he really wants to come up as well now that Lacey is up there.

So brokenness is not exclusive to any one species. And life experiences and the age an animal or a person is when they are rescued play a big part in the healing process. However, rescue, when referring to an animal is a lot more clear-cut than when talking about humans. With an animal it usually means getting them out of a bad situation and finding a loving and safe place for them to heal and trust again. With humans, it’s a lot more complicated. Especially once they’re older. And unless we’re talking about rescue from a life-threatening situation, once we’re adults, do we really want to be rescued? Many of us don’t want to be dependent on another human being to get us out of a bad situation. And we may not even want to tell anyone how bad the situation is. In fact, we may be so scarred by previous situations that we can’t really trust anyone to not hurt us. And we may end up building protective walls and be unable to recognize who we can trust. And in reality, we learn that we are the only ones who can rescue ourselves. But again, depending on the level and depth of the brokenness, we need to at some point chip away at those walls. Because loneliness can be just as toxic as living in a bad situation. And a life without love will often have us merely existing in a beige world.

We can learn a lot from our pets. I watch these two sweet babies wanting so much to trust that they’re safe and loved now. I’m hoping time and patience and pouring as much love as I can into them will teach them that they are finally safe and loved. I’ve been through this before with many of my pups who have passed. And it’s the most gratifying thing in the world when I can actually see the change in them, the uncertainty disappearing and the trust and the bond between us growing. But people aren’t as straightforward as dogs, and hurt and confusion are hard to cast off. But we need to take lessons from our dogs. We need to sense who is good for us and who we need to keep away from. And once we know who is good for us, we should embrace them and open our lives to them because while we may not be looking for rescue, we do need that human connection to make our lives whole and worth living. And of course, our animal babies do that for us as well. We just need to have the courage to open our hearts.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

Nothing Changes

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Aching heart

No sleep

Mind on an endless loop imagining the terror

And the screams and cries

Of the babies for their mothers

As they were slaughtered

By a monster

As their teachers

Threw their bodies over them

Hoping to protect them

From weapons that rip holes through bodies

But they didn’t stand a chance.

And picturing the families

Who kissed their babies goodbye that morning

Who were destroyed forever

And how everyone in that school

And in that community

Will never be whole again.

And fury at the insanity of the endless empty platitudes

And useless thoughts and prayers

Spewing out of the mouths of those who are complicit

But somehow manage to sleep at night

As these repeated tragedies

Never end

While innocence and innocents die.

But their blood money

Makes their pockets heavy

While their spirit are light

Because as long as they make sure nothing changes

To prevent this

For as long as they block even the smallest move

That the rest of us drop to our knees for

To make life a little safer

And a little more sane

They’ve once again won

And they rest smugly

On top of their blood-soaked sheets.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

The Sunflowers Will Always Grow


The history of the world

Is filled with those whose thirst for infinite power

Is like their need for water

Or oxygen

And their desire is boundless.

They don’t hesitate to sow chaos

And fear

And death

Where cruelty is the point

And peace is the enemy.

We believe we live in modern times

Where we’ve learned the lessons of the past

And understand the cost of not standing up to evil

Yet evil continues to flourish

Like a snake slithering across the earth

Seeking its next victims to strike.

We don’t need to go back too far

To find examples of hate

And sadistic acts

And slaughter of the innocents

On a scale once beyond our imagination.

And while we are determined to never live through these monstrosities again

It’s already too late

For they’ve never really disappeared

Since the seeds have been cultivated from the beginning of time

And they continue to spread like kudzu, choking their way across the landscape.

The world now watches in horror

As blameless people are attacked in Ukraine.

A peaceful nation where the sunflowers grow

And the people just want to exist in harmony

Which has now been invaded by a Goliath filled with evil and madness

And false ideology

Determined to grind them into submission

No matter how much blood is spilled

No matter how much pain is caused

No matter how many people die

All for the insatiable lust for power that bleeds across the world.

Families are torn apart

Babies starve

Children scream for the safety that they were wrapped in only weeks ago

As they hide below the ground

While screaming bombs and missiles shatter their lives.

And death and destruction march across the land.

The world cannot remain silent

But needs to continue to stand up for those in Ukraine

And let the Russian dictator know

That these barbaric, sadistic acts will be met with righteous responses

From every corner of the earth

And evil will not win

For we will not forsake

The innocent people who are fighting for the country they love

And a return to the peaceful world they once knew

Where the sunflowers will always grow.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved

Finding My Voice

We take a lot for granted. I think for many of us, our voice is not generally something we think a lot about, always sure that it will be there whenever we open our mouth. Referring to our voice can mean several different things. To most of us, the first thing we think of is our speaking voice. Next, maybe our singing voice. And next, if you’re a writer, it’s who you are when you write, the style that makes you unique and recognizable even if the reader doesn’t immediately know who the writer of the piece is. Writers such as Ernest Hemingway or Franz Kafka spring immediately to mind, along with Margaret Atwood and Alice Walker. So when we lose our voice in one sense of the word, it can be devastating. And if we lose our voice in several senses of the word, it can shatter us because we’ve completely lost our identity.

Several years ago, I noticed it was getting harder and harder to swallow. I was so swamped at that time with the obligations of life, I thought I didn’t have the time to check it out. Until one day at the dentist, when I tilted my head back, the dentist said that he believed something was wrong with my thyroid since he noticed a lump there. At that point I found the time, went to have it checked out, and I did indeed have a lump on my thyroid that had to be removed immediately. It was a straightforward surgery, I was told. They needed to remove the lump along with half of my thyroid. Nothing was said of possible things that could go wrong, aside from the possibility of dying during surgery. So I had the surgery and woke up to discover I could no longer speak. I had no voice at all. When I communicated this to the nurses and then the surgeon, I was told not to worry, that it would most likely be just a few days and my voice would be back. But that didn’t happen. It turned out that my vocal cords had been damaged. In the end, it was six months until I could speak again in a somewhat normal tone. During that six-month period, I initially could only whisper, and eventually it became a hoarse whisper, then a very raspy simulation of what my voice had been, until it was almost my old voice, but never actually the same. And, while I was no Julie Andrews, I had always loved to sing. But even after my speaking voice somewhat returned, my singing voice was gone. My range was pretty much nonexistent, and I sounded like I was croaking most of the time. It was one more thing to add to the list of things that went wrong in my body from that procedure, and it was extremely disheartening.

Around that time I also stopped writing for awhile. I had lost that voice as well. The focus was on my speaking voice and next on my singing voice, both having been taken away from me. So the fact that I was having trouble finding the words to express all I was dealing with, causing me to stop creating during that time, seemed like a secondary issue. All of that pent-up need to communicate both orally and through writing just got swallowed down and I didn’t allow myself to grieve or express my devastation at my loss in the ways that might have helped me cope with what was happening to me. I had lost myself in almost every sense of the word. It didn’t occur to me that losing my creative voice was hurting me just as much as losing my speaking voice and my singing voice.

But I knew that for me writing is like breathing – I start drowning if I’m not creating. And so I pushed myself to start writing and submitting again. And while the ratio of acceptances to rejections has been somewhat horrifying, there have been acceptances so that’s a positive thing. And I need to keep reminding myself it’s not all about acceptances, but the act of writing and putting one’s soul out there is a huge and commendable act of bravery on the part of every writer, even if no one else ever reads it.

And in the midst of the pandemic and ensuing quarantine, when there wasn’t a whole lot else to do, I found myself not only writing prose and poetry, but music and songs again. So I decided it was as good a time as any for self-improvement and I signed up for virtual voice and guitar lessons. The amazing thing is the two instructors I found have enriched my life to an extent I never even expected. My love of the guitar came back and I have enjoyed re-learning what I had only taught myself a long time ago, and I look forward to that lesson every week. And my voice lessons have exceeded my expectations. My voice teacher has pushed me and my voice beyond anything I had hoped for to the point that I have my voice back. Or, I should say I have a voice back. It’s not the voice I had before, but it’s serviceable. And I’m thrilled with what I now have. I eagerly anticipate my weekly voice lesson as well. I’m forever grateful to have found two teachers who never give up on me and continue to push me to not give up on myself either.

So if I’ve learned anything from the phase of my life, it’s definitely don’t take anything for granted. And when life hands you lemons, don’t give up, but throw them right back in life’s face. No one has time for that nonsense.

Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved