Tag Archives: News

No Exclamation Necessary!

May I please make a respectful suggestion for everyone on both sides of the aisle when it comes to the sites we read and the outrage they stir up? If the headline contains an exclamation point, don’t get sucked in. If any of the sentences in the body of the article contain exclamation points (except for direct quotes – and even then, it’s iffy), don’t get sucked in.



Real news sites lay out the facts – they don’t try to stir you up with exclamation points to emphasize the outrageous things they’re purporting to have occurred. And I’ve stopped following the sites that try to rile us up like this. Are some mainstream news sites biased one way or another? Yes. But that doesn’t make what they’re saying fake news.

But when you see those exclamation points, beware. Before your outrage kicks in, do a little research to see if what you’re reading actually happened. There’s enough real news out there to fuel your anger.

As Sargeant Joe Friday may or may not have said, “just the facts, ma’am.”


Copyright Nancy Machlis Rechtman, all rights reserved